What is Music Therapy?

Music Therapist Qualifications Include:

1. Secondary Education

In a 4-Year nationally accredited program, followed by 1000 hours of supervised internship. Coursework involves a variety of music, psychology, and practicum classes that leads to a well-rounded understanding of how to work with any individual in a favorable way within musical processes.

2. Board-Certification

Passing the national exam through the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT), and American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), both of which are responsible for the legal and professional upstanding of the profession.

3. Continuing Education
After becoming a professional, MT-BCs, (Music Therapists, Board Certified) must also engage in ongoing continuing education to keep their credentials and recertify every 5 years.

For more information, check out the American Music Therapy Association's page!